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App of the Month: iMindMap

iMindMap 10 - The ultimate creative digital thinking space.

Any professional who has been faced with a business problem that required a creative solution has found themselves in a brainstorming meeting. These meetings typically consist of sitting down a team of individuals in a room with a white board and throw countless ideas onto the board until the consensus can decide that someone had an idea that could pass as "acceptable".

There is no need to be caught in this rut, there is a better option!

Introducing iMindMap 10, an intuitive all-in-one mind mapping, brainstorming and project planning software which allows for individuals to create, organize and develop their ideas full. In fact, this is the only software that is endorsed by Tony Buzan, the inventor of the Mind Mapping concept.

iMindMap allows users to brainstorm by creating flowcharts which integrate with visual aids (photos, videos, etc.) and links to help reference ideas to concrete concepts/examples more readily. Additionally, the software integrates seamlessly with third-party applications, including Drop Task: A task management software that we have featured as our App of the Month in the past.

The new version of iMindMap features a complete digital thinking space. It has an organic Mind Map View, a unique Brainstorm View, and an easily accessible Presentation view to showcase your brainstorming process to others. The addition of the new Time Map View and refined Branch Drawing Tool creates a much more user-friendly experience than in years past, making this tool incredibly easy to implement into your enterprise.

iMindMap comes in three different price packages, all featuring one-time payments. $100 for the at-home and student users, $164.50 for professional implementation and $217 which includes the former's complete set of features along with helpful DVD's from partner Tony Buzan.

Click the image below to be linked to the full website for additional information:

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